Writing and the Writer

Linguistically Empowered!

Okay, granted: This post does contain affiliate links, but the subject as such is something I would have written about anyway because it is SO VERY relevant to me: English grammar, spelling, and all that jazz. Grammar? Spelling? So what's the problem? I am a professional writer [duh!], so language is my working tool. The… Continue reading Linguistically Empowered!

Writing and the Writer

A Handy Guide to Punctuation Marks

Usually, I am rather confident about my grammar and spelling skills. But it seems, particularly as a bilingual writer, there is always - ALWAYS - something left for me to learn. And since I figure that I am not the only one: Here is a simple example sentence by Noemi Tasarra-Twigg on freelancewritinggigs.com: I had… Continue reading A Handy Guide to Punctuation Marks

Self-Development, Writing and the Writer

4 TED-Ed Lessons about Punctuation

I have posted about this subject before, but I guess it is always worth to revisit the "how to...". Because, as the TED-Ed folks state so correctly in their post: "Punctuation is hard. Even the most seasoned writers can get tripped up on the rules." So, here it is: How to use a comma, a… Continue reading 4 TED-Ed Lessons about Punctuation

auf Deutsch, Coaching and Consulting, Writing and the Writer

Wie schreibt man das nochmal… ähh…. noch mal…. nochmals??

Textbroker hat einen interessanten Blog-Artikel über ein paar der immer wieder aufkommenden Fragen zum Thema Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung veröffentlicht. Ein klassischer Beitrag von der Sorte "Kann-man-immer-mal-brauchen"!